18:01 2024-11-20
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Comentarii Adauga Comentariu _ Ministry of Labor: Pensions are increasing, value of Reference Point increases by 12.1% from January 2025Ministry of Labor: Pensions are increasing, value of Reference Point increases by 12.1% from January 2025Pensions will increase with the increase in the value of the Reference Point (VPR) from 81 RON to 91 RON, an increase of 12.1%, from January 1, 2025, the Ministry of Labor announced on Wednesday, on its Facebook page. "The 12.1% increase in the VPR is above the inflation rate. The new law on pensions in the public system is a firm guarantee that every pensioner will benefit from a sustainable increase in income. The pension increase mechanism provided for by the law is clear and ensures predictability. Contributiveness and stability in work are better rewarded. The new law has brought equity, because equal work and contributions and pensions will be equal," declared the Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura Oprescu, according to a post on the institution's Facebook page, inform agerpres.ro. The minister recalled that on Wednesday it will be one year since the adoption by the Parliament of Law no. 360/2023 on the public pension system, showing that the implementation of this law assumed the most extensive reform in the history of the public pension system in Romania. According to the Ministry of Labor, thanks to this law, the European Commission accepted the renegotiation of the PNRR so that the ceiling of 9.4% of GDP was eliminated, which could have led to a pension freeze. "The new law also clarifies the time when the increases are made and introduces the guarantee that pensions will increase annually in January. Also, pensioners who benefit from social allowance (guaranteed minimum pension) will benefit from a 10.4% increase, which it means that the social allowance for pensioners will reach 1,415 RON in 2025," it is also shown in the post published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity.
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