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CEREM NATIONALIZAREA TUTUROR RESURSELOR NATURALE ALE ROMANIEI ! - Initiativa Legislativa care are nevoie de 500.000 de semnaturi - Semneaza si tu !


  •  Terrence   2021-01-21 - 22:05

    It is with sad regret to inform you is shutting down. It has been a tough year all round and we decided to go out with a bang! Any group of databases listed below is $49 or $149 for all 16 databases in this one time offer. You can purchase it at and view samples. - LinkedIn Database 43,535,433 LinkedIn Records - USA B2B Companies Database 28,147,835 Companies - Forex Forex South Africa 113,550 Forex Traders Forex Australia 135,696 Forex Traders Forex UK 779,674 Forex Traders - UK Companies Database 521,303 Companies - German Databases German Companies Database: 2,209,191 Companies German Executives Database: 985,048 Executives - Australian Companies Database 1,806,596 Companies - UAE Companies Database 950,652 Companies - Affiliate Marketers Database 494,909 records - South African Databases B2B Companies Database: 1,462,227 Companies Directors Database: 758,834 Directors Healthcare Database: 376,599 Medical Professionals Wholesalers Database: 106,932 Wholesalers Real Estate Agent Database: 257,980 Estate Agents Forex South Africa: 113,550 Forex Traders Visit or contact us with any queries. Kind Regards,

  •  Novella   2021-02-02 - 23:55

    It is with sad regret to inform you is shutting down. Fire sale till the 7th of Feb. Any group of databases listed below is $49 or $149 for all 16 databases in this one time offer. You can purchase it at and view samples. - LinkedIn Database 43,535,433 LinkedIn Records - USA B2B Companies Database 28,147,835 Companies - Forex Forex South Africa 113,550 Forex Traders Forex Australia 135,696 Forex Traders Forex UK 779,674 Forex Traders - UK Companies Database 521,303 Companies - German Databases German Companies Database: 2,209,191 Companies German Executives Database: 985,048 Executives - Australian Companies Database 1,806,596 Companies - UAE Companies Database 950,652 Companies - Affiliate Marketers Database 494,909 records - South African Databases B2B Companies Database: 1,462,227 Companies Directors Database: 758,834 Directors Healthcare Database: 376,599 Medical Professionals Wholesalers Database: 106,932 Wholesalers Real Estate Agent Database: 257,980 Estate Agents Forex South Africa: 113,550 Forex Traders Visit or contact us with any queries. Kind Regards,

  •  Torri   2021-02-16 - 07:08

    Use to run email campaigns from your own private dashboard. Cold emails are allowed and won't get you blocked :) - 1Mil emails / mo @ $99 USD - Dedicated IP and Domain Included - Detailed statistical reports (delivery, bounce, clicks etc.) - Quick and easy setup with extended support at no extra cost. - Cancel anytime! Regards,

  •  Charlene   2021-02-23 - 21:02

    Do you need more clients? We have amazing databases starting at $9.99 until the end of the Month! Visit us at

  •   2021-02-26 - 03:57 allows you to reach out to clients via cold email marketing. - 1Mil emails starter package - Dedicated IP and Domain Included - Detailed statistical reports (delivery, bounce, clicks etc.) - Quick and easy setup with extended support at no extra cost. - Cancel anytime!

  •  Jared   2021-03-25 - 09:15

    Hello, has a special package you get any group of databases for $49 or $249 for all 16 databases and unlimited emails for a year(Domain, IP, Dashboard included). You can purchase it on and see samples if you are interested.

  •  Tia   2021-04-08 - 09:30

    Hey, It was nice speaking to you the other day, this is the service I was telling you about that helped us boost our ROI almost 2000% Its a company called sorry it took so long to get back to you. They allow you to send any email doesn't matter what. We dealt with a guy named Michael, he was friendly and got us setup really quickly. Regards, Tia

  •  Booker   2021-04-14 - 02:06

    Hello, Send unlimited emails to unlimited lists with one click and no monthly fees! $99 once off!

  •  Danilo   2021-04-16 - 22:10

    Do you need clients? We compiled some of the world's top databases for you at ridiculous low prices. $49 for any of our databases or $99 for all 16 databases! Visit Regards, Danilo

  •  Gertrude   2021-05-11 - 06:59

    Hello from, We have a special limited offer for you to send unlimited emails. We allow non-permission based emails and you won't ever get blocked. We also buy your domain for you and give you a clean IP and setup your DNS records. Check us out on

  •  Steven   2021-05-11 - 20:37

    Hello from Due to the pandemic is shutting down on the 14th of May. We have more than a 100 million records of Key Executives all over the world. We hope that this Data will serve other companies to succeed in their marketing efforts. We have reduced all the prices to next to nothing on our website We wish you the best in your future endeavours.

  •  Beatrice   2021-05-20 - 13:00

    Are you looking for the best way to market your business? has the answer.. Not sure where to start, or what to do? Why not learn from the best. All of the best. We are offering at never before seen prices all of the top courses for one insanely low price. If you have been thinking of how to generate more leads, website traffic or sales today is the day. All courses are available in full with immediate download on Not sure which one you like, for the next 24 hours we are offering the entire suite of courses for the lowest amount you could possible imagine. Check us out : You could be driving new income or starting the new side hustle today!

  •  Delphia   2021-05-26 - 15:07

    Hello, It is with sad regret to inform you that is shutting down. We have made all our databases for sale for a once-off price. Visit our website to get the best bargain of your life. Regards, Delphia

  •  Ida   2021-06-03 - 00:32

    Hello, It is with sad regret to inform you that is shutting down. We have made all our databases for sale for a once-off price. Visit our website to get the best bargain of your life. Regards, Ida

  •  Maryjo   2021-06-11 - 14:26

    We at has been hit badly by Covid-19 and as a result is shutting down. We provided the best data to companies to find their right customer base, we don't want other companies to go down the same path we went and go out of business. As a result we are providing our data till the end of the week at the lowest possible prices.

  •  Dewitt   2021-06-18 - 15:27

    Hello from Want to pay $0.01 a click? We got you covered. A great team of Global Digital Marketing experts have compiled this list of 13 Best + Free Facebook Advertising Training, Classes and Courses to help you learn and excel at Facebook Ads & Marketing. Thousands of professionals have already benefited from this list on Facebook Training. Regards, Dewitt

  •  Gita   2021-06-29 - 02:43

    It is with sad regret to inform you that because of the Covid pandemic is shutting down at the end of the month. We have lost family members and colleagues and have decided to shut down It was a pleasure serving you all these years. We have made all our databases available for $99 (All of it for $99) for those interested. Kind Regards, Gita

  •  Zachary   2021-08-05 - 03:39

    6 August 2021. This is the last day will be online and operate. We are shutting down and all our data is for sale for $99. Regards, Zachary

  •  Eddie   2021-08-21 - 13:47

    Hello. Need leads for your business? We have a limited offer where we sell almost 400 million executives around the world in 165 countries for $299. Or you can buy your country individually for $99.

  •  Mari   2021-08-28 - 00:23

    We have an amazing database of leads for you. All countries are $99 and you can buy the entire world 165 countries for $179. This offer is valid till Friday.

  •  Yong   2021-09-11 - 12:58

    Hello from We are selling leads from around the world. I thought your company could benefit from it. You can visit our website to see some of our data. We have a special offer running. All our databases for $99.

  •  Arleen   2022-07-12 - 05:25

    Hello, did you know that there are 241,120 internet directories in the world. These websites are what drive traffic to YOUR business. Want more traffic? Want more Sales? We can help - today. Your website is listed in only 27 of these directories. Get more traffic for your Romania audience. Our automated system adds your website to all of the directories. You can find it here: Act today, and we will expedite your listings and waive the processing charge! We have a special going on. Use "FRIENDS" on checkout for a 50% discount valid today.

  •  Murray   2023-11-21 - 15:06

    Hi, is only listed in a 8/10,000+ Directories We have a black friday deal going on at the moment to get your website listed in all 10k+ for $19.95 Visit us on

  •  Lisa   2024-01-09 - 07:21

    Hello, has made available our Google Maps Database for everyone. I am shutting down the company to spend more time with my family. I wish you a prosperous new year! Lisa Cooper

  •  Johnie   2024-01-29 - 15:53

    Hey! Come test out our beta project and come get your free business leads. Regards, Johnie

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